Focus on Fruit with Sorbet Recipes

By Kimberly Kunaniec
Published: Feb 25, 2014 11:26 PM GMT / 
Updated: Feb 25, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

If you've read my posts and site for a while, you'll probably notice that I love fruit-based desserts. While I will always say yes to chocolate, there are so many unique and delicious fruits out there that I never run out of ideas for recipes to try. One of my favorite fruits for desserts is the mango. Fruit that has a naturally creamy texture makes the perfect frozen dessert because it already has a great texture. It helps my mango sorbet stay soft and smooth without a lot of added ingredients.

I also love using non-traditional dessert fruits. When you think of grapefruit, you probably think of breakfast, right? A half a grapefruit or glass of grapefruit juice in the morning is good (if you enjoy the flavor), but with some added sugar and a little liquor, you can create a grapefruit sorbet. This is one of those recipes that I will frequently make with my favorite brand of bottled juice, so it's a snap to put together.

Speaking of non-traditional fruits, why not make cranberry sorbet? I love cranberry sauce. I can make a batch and eat it all by myself. So, I tried to transform those flavor profiles into other dessert choices. This recipe has more water than my normal cranberry sauce recipe, and is pureed after it is cooked. It's yummy year-round!


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