Raspberry Desserts

By Kimberly Kunaniec
Published: Apr 30, 2014 02:42 AM GMT / 
Updated: Apr 30, 2014 02:42 AM GMT

It started getting very warm in my city.  As in, it's supposed to be in the mid-80s tomorrow.  Warm weather makes me want cold treats and fresh berries.  I can't wait to pick fresh, ripe raspberries right off the vine.  I'm sure some of them will end up as part of my favorite raspberry frozen dessert recipes.

One of the easiest ways to use fresh berries is by making a sauce.  Raspberry sauce is a unique topping, because you normally find raspberry or cherry varieties.  As an added bonus, many fruit sauce recipes can be frozen.  So, if you have extra berries and no immediate need, you can preserve them as a sauce and store them in air-tight plastic containers in the back of the fridge.

If I want something fancier, one of my go-to desserts is a semifreddo.  Raspberry chocolate chip semifreddo has so much texture and flavor, in an easy to put together form.  I don't always have the space to store my ice cream maker bowl in the freezer, so sometimes it's nice to have a dessert recipe that doesn't need one.

What's your favorite way to cook with raspberries?


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